Cold Brew Coffee at Home

When I discovered information about making cold brew coffee at home, I was extremely excited to try it. I love coffee. Hot coffee, cold coffee and even twice reheated in the microwave because I got sidetracked coffee. Being that we are in the heat of the summer, cold brew is the perfect treat.

Make this cold brew at home because it is so easy and can be a real money saver. Bottles of cold brew from the store can cost as much as $6! You can certainly buy a bag of coffee beans for much less. Give it a try. Play around with the ratios of water to coffee. Try new coffee flavors. Enjoy your delicious coffee!

Here are a few tips to consider when making your cold brew coffee at home.

Cold Brew Container

No need to go out and purchase some fancy container. Any jar with a lid will work. I use a quart size mason jar. A French press coffee maker would work to brew and strain the coffee beans. Double duty!

Coffee Beans

I have made cold brew at home using medium roast coffee beans as well as medium-dark roasted beans. I have used flavored and unflavored beans. It has all come out well. Although I have not attempted to make it with store bought coffee grounds, I am sure that it will work. Lately, I have just been buying whole beans and grinding them at home. I find that it tastes better and it saves on the cost of buying coffee.


Use filtered water to make your cold brew. I am not a fan of unfiltered tap water. The taste really throws me off so I don't want that taste in the background of my delicious coffee drink.


Be sure to strain your cold brew well. A gritty coffee is the last thing you want after impatiently waiting for your coffee to brew. I like to strain it twice; once through a fine-mesh sieve and then again through a nylon mesh bag.


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